
The Friday Loop

Every Friday, you'll get a recap of the most important and exciting Python and coding news. The Friday Loop also keeps everyone posted on new ArjanCodes courses and any limited offers coming up.

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How to Design an AWESOME Function Header in Python | Issue #19

Hi there, This week’s video covers tips you probably haven’t considered—ones that can make or break your code and potentially save you hours of debugging. 🕵️♂️ Today I’m breaking down the art of designing function headers—because a good one makes your life 10x easier, while a bad one… well, you’ll wish you had known sooner. 👨💻 I’ll walk you through the essentials of function naming, and why using verbs in your function names can make all the difference.You’ll also learn how to streamline your...

Hi there, Ever wondered why Python sometimes behaves in unexpected ways? In this week’s video, I’ll be showing you 13 strange things in Python that might just blow your mind! 🤯 Especially the last one—it’s really confusing! From the mysteries of integer caching to the quirks of mutable default arguments, this video is packed with examples that will make you question everything you know about Python. 🐍 P.S. Stay tuned until the end of the video for an awesome Easter egg in Python you might not...

Hi there, Is your object-oriented Python code turning into a tangled mess? 🍝 Yes, this isn’t the kind of spaghetti you want to see on a Friday night. In this week’s video, I’ll uncover common bad OOP practices and tips for keeping your code clean and maintainable. Learn why simple functions can replace unnecessary classes and why using modules might be more effective than relying on classes with only static methods. 🚀 I’ll also discuss the pitfalls of deep inheritance hierarchies and the...

Hi there, What if I told you that sometimes the best way to handle errors in your code is to let them crash and burn? 💥 That’s right! Today, I’ll share my “Let it burn” approach to handling errors. In this week’s video, you'll learn why letting your code fail fast can lead to simpler, clearer, and more robust software. I’ll show you real-life examples from my invoicing automation project where embracing errors helped me improve efficiency and save time. 💡 Stay tuned until the end for some...

Hi there, Tired of your API crashing due to too many requests? Want to keep it running smoothly? 💡 In this week’s video, I’ll explore the concept of rate limiting and how to implement it effectively in your FastAPI applications. Learn why rate limiting is important, discover the different types of rate limiting you can do, and follow a step-by-step tutorial on integrating rate limiting with FastAPI using both custom code and the powerful SlowAPI library. 🛠️ Plus, I’ll share insights from my...

Hi there, I’m live NOW! That’s right, this week I’m shaking things up a bit. Instead of the usual Friday video, I’m hosting a livestream! Remember my new series "Under the Hood"? In this live session, we'll dive deep into the code and design of a popular open-source project together. This is a real-time exploration where you'll see my genuine reactions and insights as we go through the project. 🕵🏻♂️ Plus, there will be plenty of time for you to ask any questions you have. Don't miss out! ▶️...

Hi there, Ever wondered whether you should go functional or stick with object-oriented programming? Today I’ll dive into the pros and cons of both and show you how to blend them for the best of both worlds! 🔥 In this week’s video, I refactor some tricky code with surprising results, exploring the eternal debate of functional versus object-oriented programming. I’ll show you a fun word puzzle generator powered by Python and AI and explain why it’s called a “Philippine” puzzle—it involves...

Hi there, The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) has been holding Python back for years. But that’s about to change with Python 3.13! 🚀 In this week’s video, I’ll explain what this change means for you, the performance boosts you can expect with GIL disabled, and the hidden dangers you need to be aware of. ⚠️ Watch until the end to find out the potential future implications for Python development. Enjoy the video and happy coding! Cheers, Arjan # News The Power of Python's urllib Module! This week...

Hi there, This week has been anything but typical for ArjanCodes. Last Sunday, I released an additional video provoked by one of the largest recent IT disasters - the CrowdStrike incident. 🚨 In this video, I explore how the CrowdStrike disaster exposes a fundamental problem in software and why it will probably get worse in the future. If you missed it, you can watch it here. The recent events motivated me to create another video, offering concrete examples and steps to ensure your code...

Hi there, Want to improve your REST API design? Then this week’s video is for you! 🌟 I’ll share 6 easy tips for creating user-friendly, consistent, and easily integrated REST APIs. We’ll dive into often-overlooked aspects of REST API design, including: Following standards like OpenAPI specs and OAuth for authentication 🛠️ Ensuring consistency in formats and naming conventions 📏 Keeping things simple with sensible defaults, and much more! ✨ Even big companies sometimes miss these crucial...