Why Your FastAPI App Needs a Rate Limiter | Issue #15

Hi there,

Tired of your API crashing due to too many requests? Want to keep it running smoothly? 💡

In this week’s video, I’ll explore the concept of rate limiting and how to implement it effectively in your FastAPI applications.

Learn why rate limiting is important, discover the different types of rate limiting you can do, and follow a step-by-step tutorial on integrating rate limiting with FastAPI using both custom code and the powerful SlowAPI library. 🛠️

Plus, I’ll share insights from my experience working on Learntail and how we use rate limiting to ensure smooth performance and security.



# News

Master Python Descriptors

Ever wondered how Python’s @property works its magic? Or how @classmethod knows the first argument is a class? 🧐

This week in ArjanCodes’ blog, we’ll take a closer look at Python descriptors. This blog will help you understand how to use descriptors to simplify your code and introduce some clever techniques found in popular libraries like Pydantic and SQLAlchemy.

If you’re interested in writing cleaner, more maintainable Python code, or just want to get a better grasp on some of Python’s more advanced features, click here to read the full article.

# News

Data Structures and Algorithms, Correctly

Jeremy Siek’s latest post dives deep into the functional programming approach to building robust code. 🖥️

Using the Deduce language, he explores how to test and prove the correctness of linked lists, sequential search, and more.

This comprehensive guide is perfect if you want to enhance your understanding of logic, testing, and proof in programming. 🌟 Click here to find out more.

# Community

Wondering if there’s a market for Python-specialized developers? Our community recently explored this question and shared valuable insights! 💡

A member was concerned about finding opportunities beyond data engineering and data science despite their advanced Python skills. The discussion highlighted that Python is widely used in DevOps and Data Science, and transitioning between fields requires demonstrated project work.

Curious to learn more? Join our Discord server to read the full discussion and get tips on navigating your career as a Python developer! 🌟

Do you enjoy my content on YouTube and would you like to dive in deeper? Check out my online courses below. They've helped thousands of developers take the next step in their careers.

🚀 The Mindset Online Course Series

The goal of this series is to help junior developers grow their skills to become senior developers faster.

💥 Other Courses

💡 If you’re part of a development team at a company, I offer special packages for companies that give your team the tools to consistently write high-quality code and dramatically increase your team's productivity.

🪄 Learntail

My team and I created an AI quiz generator designed to accelerate your learning, called Learntail. You can try it for free or unlock even more capabilities and features with the monthly subscription. Take a look here.

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Jan van Eijklaan 2-4, Bilthoven, UT 3723 BC

The Friday Loop

Every Friday, you'll get a recap of the most important and exciting Python and coding news. The Friday Loop also keeps everyone posted on new ArjanCodes courses and any limited offers coming up.

Read more from The Friday Loop

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